Plano Kiwanis Club

Plano Kiwanis Club

The Kiwanis Club of Plano, Texas was founded in 1970. It is a part of Kiwanis International , which hosts 8,500 clubs world wide, with over half a million members in more than 90 countries. They have a history of growth and community support in Plano that exemplifies the goal of Kiwanis. Plano Kiwanis Club consists of men and women of all ages who lead active lives, have a strong desire for community service and enjoy social fellowship.

The Club is active in the Plano community, supporting fundraisers and other charitable activities, especially those in support of our area’s youth. Kiwanis raises at least $75-$80 million each year for the benefit of our youth and senior citizens here in our community. Kiwanis raises more money than any other service organization worldwide through the 6 million service hours our members perform. For more information on the club, visit